How to Handle One-on-One Meetings
Now you have a date set for a one-on-one meeting so you have to get ready.
Go through the same steps you would if you were making a presentation to a large audience.
- a) Prepare presentation items e) Be Professional
b) Go through your checklist f) Make Your Presentation
c) Arrive on time g) Close
d) Look professional
Here's a little more information about each of these points.
- Prepare presentation items
This time you won't be concerned with a projector but you may want to use a laptop. That makes a nice professional presentation.
Another option is to print out the presentation and put it in a binder or notebook so you can make the same presentation with paper copies. You might want to put each page in a plastic cover to ensure the pages stay in perfect condition.
Know your material backward and forwards and be prepared to answer questions.
- Go through your checklist
Use the checklist even if you are going to a one-on-one meeting. Sure, you don't have a lot of items to count out but you certainly have items to remember and the checklist is a tremendous help.
- Arrive on time
Be courteous and arrive on time. If they are late don't mention it or if they mention it, be gracious. If you arrive 20 or 30 minutes late, forget it. You've blown your credibility. They see that you don't do what you say and the game is over.
- Look professional
This doesn't mean that you have to wear a suit to meet at the neighborhood coffee shop. This might come on a little too strong. Just be sure you are well-groomed and look nice. We have sports shirts with our company name embroidered on the front that looks great.
Their first impression of you is just as important at a one-on-one meeting as it is at a luncheon presentation.
- Be professional
Yes, this is a more casual setting but you can still conduct yourself in a professional manner. Always be aware that they are judging the way you present yourself as well as the program. You want them to trust you with a great deal of money so you have to convey to them that you are a serious businessman or businesswoman.
- Make your presentation
Get to your presentation quickly; this is not a social call, but a business meeting. Don't waste their time.
They may want to chat or there may be other distractions like the family dog running around or phone interruptions. Stay focused and cover the material.
If they have questions you can't answer, assure them that you will find out the answer and get back with them. Remember that questions are not negative, it means they are interested
- Close
Just like at a luncheon presentation, you have to have a close or "call to action." Use the form in the system to ask if they are going to pass or play. No hard sell! Whether their answer is yes or no, thank them for their time and conclude the meeting.
Do this over and over again until you have all the money you want!
Alan Cowgill is a speaker, author, and real estate entrepreneur. His step-by-step system “Private Lending Made Easy” teaches others to find private lenders.