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YOU TOO CAN CONQUER THE FEAR MONSTER....! | By: Jon and Stephanie Iannotti

Everyone has fears…..some bigger than others, some may seem silly to one person and traumatizing to another…Some fears are absolutely traumatizing and can cause all kinds of reactions, which include but not limited to……screaming, crying, running away, sheer and total panic, freezing and not knowing what to do or say…, vomiting, chills, flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, pain, headache, nausea, diarrhea, chronic pain, muscle tension, exhaustion, restlessness, a feeling of choking or smothering, heart palpitations, shaking, sweating, hot flashes, feeling faint, dizzy or numb.  So there you have it……and that’s just a partial list!  Fear causes many different symptoms. None of which are able to be tackled and resolved with the proper help.  Fear is something that can prevent you from experiencing some of the greatest pleasures in life or can hold you back from your greatest successes in life.  

Are you fearful of……?

  • Failing?
  • Public Speaking?
  • Rejection?
  • Gaining approval?
  • Not knowing what to do next?
  • Pulling the trigger?

If any of the above fears are you…..we can tell you that you are normal and that you are in the right place at the right time!  There is help….as you will read below!

Jon and I started out in Real Estate Investing without a mentor.  We can certainly vouch for the fact that we had at least four of the above fears when we made the jump from our safe, secure, long time, well-paying JOBS with full benefits, 17 years ago.  Jon was a Policeman for years and then went to the local Steel Mill for 24 years as the paycheck was much better than policing.  I was an Orthopedic Technician and Personal Assistant to a very well-known Orthopedic Surgeon in Pittsburgh, PA for 24 years.  By the way, Jon hated his JOB and dreaded every single day….going into the Mill.  Me on the other hand, I loved my JOB…..couldn’t wait to go every day and was almost always the first one there and was worried that I was making a huge mistake by leaving, but wanted to support my husband’s desire to have a Real Estate Investing Business.  (Talk about FEAR….believe me I was full of it!) 

Think about this…..we were getting ready to leave what most of America considers security…a JOB.  We started attending Real Estate Education events and quickly learned that J.O.B. was literally translated to Just Over Broke

Jon and I remember the day very clearly that we told my parents that we were both leaving our JOBS to do Real Estate Investing.  We will never forget the looks on their faces as they said….”ARE YOU BOTH CRAZY??”  They were not the only ones that thought we were crazy, but Jon really wanted to do RE Investing so we took the opportunity and jumped in with all fours.

Shortly thereafter, we showed our friends and family that with each of us working 16-hour days in the business, that we were making on average, $30k per week from our Real Estate Investing and neither of us could ever make that at our JOBS…. They NOW understood better but still were not totally convinced and were amazed that we would want to work 16 hours a day.  Yes…..don’t worry that didn’t last for long…..as we hit the WALL!   In other words…I cried….and Jon jumped on Craigslist and put an ad out there for office help….!  Why hadn’t we done it before we had worked the business for more than 2 years full time, 16 hours each a day, 6-1/2 days a week….????  FEAR!!!  YEP….I was afraid to let someone do the books, I was afraid to let someone make appointments, I was afraid that they couldn’t do things nearly as good as we did them…….but Jon reminded me what we learned at a Business Management Boot-camp,  “YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF YOUR BUSINESS and WORK ON YOUR BUSINESS...NOT IN YOUR BUSINESS!!”……well we went home, being the good students that we are and we then hired a bookkeeper, an office girl to answer phones, set appointments, etc. etc….and a handyman to get Jon out of the Toilets, Tenants and Trash mode.  

Again, we worked 2 years by ourselves running a $1million + per year business by ourselves and we, (let me be honest) ”I” was FEARFUL of hiring people to work in the business with us because I thought that this meant I was a failure.  I thought we should have been able to run this business all by ourselves as we were intelligent and good at what we do and why should we have to get help.   (FEAR…kept us from probably making at least double what we made in our first couple years!)

We also will never forget our first dinner with our Mentor.  Me being a very outgoing personality and Jon being a very confident man we were extremely shocked that we were so intimidated by our Mentor…..so intimidated that we could hardly say a word and when we did, he says that we were “bumbling idiots!” Can you see how we too can relate to fear?  We were fearful of many things, …but as it turned out we ended up working side by side, hand in hand with one of the Greatest Real Estate Investors and Teachers in the nation, mentoring his students to success and helping them conquer their FEAR MONSTER as well as running a very successful Real Estate Business in both Butler, PA, and SW Florida.  Our business consists of CATS deals, ACTS deals, Short Sales, Rehabs, REO’s, Lease-Options, Options, Seller Financing deals, Commercial, Multi-Unit’s,  Bulk REO’s, Subject-to’s, Non-Performing Note Packages and Wholesale deals.   Many of you probably know us as the Creators of the ACTS program which was our gift to our Mentor for all that he has done for us.   We also created another program called REACT (Reverse Engineered Assignment of Contract Terms) and CATS (Complete Agreeable Transaction System) which is taking the Real Estate world by storm.    We feel blessed to have had our Mentor and many other great mentors to help us conquer our fears which has allowed us to see and create more opportunities and fortunes than we ever thought possible and certainly more than we each could have made working our JOBS for 100 years! 

This is why it’s so important to have a Mentor.  When we mentor student’s, our goal is to obviously get you your first check as quickly as possible but we are also very interested in helping you build your business from the foundation up.  We feel that it is very important to not only get a check fast but to establish your business as a viable income venture as soon as possible and a lot of that process is finding your fears and getting you quickly conquering your fears!    

As two of our Mentor’s most successful Students and Mentors, we believe that anyone can overcome their fears and learn to TAKE ACTION as well as be held accountable to succeed thus enabling you to live the life of Freedom and Financial Independence that probably all of you have longed to live.

It’s time to TAKE ACTION.  It’s time to get out from behind the computer.   It’s time to get off the couch.  It’s time to turn the TV off.  It’s time to get out of the stands and get onto the court!  It’s time to JUST DO IT! ………..Are you fearful……???  It’s time to tackle the FEAR MONSTER in YOU! 


To Your Success and Prosperity!

Stephanie and Jon Iannotti

“The Iannotti’s”



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Weatherford, TX 76086
(817) 599-8058

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