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The "Watering Hole" for North Texas Real Estate Investors!




West DFW REI Group

Category: Getting Started (13 articles found) - Clear Search

Stop Talking - Start Doing: 10 Tips to Turn Your 2024 DFW Real Estate Dreams into Reality


 real estate

Real estate investing success demands more than just planning and talking; it necessitates taking decisive action. As we head toward 2024, it's critical to escape the loop of paralysis by analysis and transform goals into real achievements. Stop talking and start acting is the key. These ten-pointers will help you realize your real estate goals in the thriving DFW market and lead the way on this life-changing adventure.

1. Set Specific, Well-Researched Goals

Setting well-defined and researched goals requires more than just aiming for numbers in the dynamic DFW real estate market. It necessitates a deeper comprehension of demographic trends, local economic indicators, and the situation of the housing market as a whole. For ideas that will help you achieve your objectives, think about speaking with local professionals or going to DFW real estate seminars. It is more likely that your goals will be successful if you take a proactive approach that makes sure they match the present and future dynamics of the market.

2. Develop a Comprehensive Plan

A comprehensive plan is not just a static document; it's a dynamic roadmap that evolves with market conditions. Integrate flex

The BRRRR Method: Building Wealth Through Real Estate



The world of real estate investment offers numerous wealth creation strategies; one approach that has gained significant popularity is the BRRRR method. Standing for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, and Repeat, this investment strategy allows savvy investors to maximize their returns while gradually building a profitable real estate portfolio. This article will delve into the BRRRR method, exploring each step in detail and shedding light on its potential benefits.


The first step in the BRRRR method is acquiring a property with the potential for appreciation and cash flow. Investors thoroughly research the market, identifying properties that offer value and have room for improvement. By purchasing properties at a discounted price or through negotiations, investors lay the foundation for a profitable venture.


After acquiring a property, investors focus on rehabilitating it to increase its value and appeal. This step involves renovating and upgrading

How to Choose the Right Real Estate Investing Strategy


 Real Estate Investing Strategy

There are plenty of options available when it comes to investing in real estate. However, it can be challenging for new investors to determine which strategy is the best one to start with. Should you focus on wholesaling houses, building a portfolio of single-family rental homes, or becoming a Realtor? In this article, let's explore eight real estate investing strategies to consider. We'll also provide guidance on how to choose the best option for you.

Real Estate Investing Strategies

Wholesaling houses: To wholesale homes, you must find distressed properties, negotiate a deal with the seller, and then sell the contract to another buyer for a profit. It requires little or no money down and can be an excellent way to get started in real estate investing. 

Acquiring and renting properties as a landlord: Investing in rental properties involves purchasing a property and renting it out to tenants. This strategy can generate long-term passive in

Pros and Cons of Buying A House From A Wholesaler In Dallas Fort Worth



Buying a house from a wholesaler is a great method to locate deals at deeply discounted prices! This post discusses the pros and cons of dealing with a wholesaler.

Only investors hire experienced wholesalers to identify the perfect properties when buying houses in Dallas and Fort Worth. Wholesalers, on the other hand, can assist any investor in finding a home at a significant discount. Working with a local property wholesaler should never be underestimated, whether you are a real estate investor or simply a shrewd buyer seeking a great deal on a home.

Pros of Buying Houses From A Wholesaler In Dallas Fort Worth/North Texas

Great Prices
When you engage with a wholesaler to buy a house in Dallas, Fort Worth, you'll be able to find and purchase a home for a fraction of the retail price. Before they are available to the general public, a wholesaler knows how to locate the best off-market assets.

Simple Transactions
Working with a wholesaler streamlines the process. They'll be familiar with the process, ensuring that you and the documentation are ready for the closing. When you buy a house from a wholesaler, everything is taken care

Entrepreneurial Struggles



Hi, my name is Steve Liang, and I am an entrepreneur. I want to share some of my challenges and struggles being an entrepreneur.

One of my biggest struggles has been finding the right balance between my work and my life.

Early on, I was a workaholic. I would get up at 7, 8 AM, and work until midnight, and I would work nonstop, just focus on building - build systems, marketing, client base, infrastructure… you name it, the work is endless.

I LOVED this life. It was fun, and it was addictive because over time, you figure out what it takes to make the business grow, and growing is fun, addictive, and awesome.

But this “whatever it takes” attitude is not healthy. It was great for business but very bad for life. I was so focused on solving problems in the business, I neglected my personal life relationship. You know it’s funny, I always read about startup founders end up breaking up with their girlfriends, or getting a divorce, and I always thought, we are OK - it’s never going to happen to us, we are doing fine. Boy was I wrong.

About 3 years ago, my wife Kathy and I got married, and when we started talking and reflecting back, we realized that our relationship was on the verge of falling apar

March Madness and the Real Estate Note Business


Real Estate Note

You know we have our own sort of March Madness in the real estate note business.


Because some people are looking for cash because it is tax time or want to make that final big payment to pay off Christmas charges on a credit card, it could be it's not a liability, but an opportunity has opened to you.

Since our business is a very niche and low-profile business, you owe it to yourself to determine if the note you hold is the best option for you to access cash quickly.

Actually, we are in the options business. We do not tell you to sell your note. We suggest you consider your options and decide what's best for you.

You will not know how good or bad an option is until you ask and investigate.

There is no WiFi in the Forest. But I promise you will find a better connection - (author unknown)

Robyn Jackson with BearCat Capital is a local Note Buyer and trusted West DFW REI Group sponsor and buys all types of notes.

To learn more about notes or to sell a note, call or email Robyn with Bearcat Capital  Read More...

The Basics Of An Investor Wholesaling Agreement in Dallas Fort Worth



A wholesale agreement for properties in Dallas-Fort Worth will be important to you as an investor, so make sure you grasp and understand everything about it. Learn more about the process and what to expect in our most recent post!

When two real estate investors/ wholesalers come together to find a distressed property at a low price, a real estate wholesaler agreement or a wholesale real estate contract will be required. The wholesaler enters into a contract with the seller to purchase the property, and then transfers or assigns ownership of the contract to the buyer. In essence, the wholesaler acts as a go-between between the seller and the new buyer, bringing together two people who might not otherwise have come into contact.

Contract Basics

There are many types of investor contracts available in today's investing world.  Some people use a real estate attorney to draft and evaluate for you to ensure that all terms and clauses are legally sound and make sense for all parties involved in the transaction. Many investors use their State-created contracts.  In Texas, we use the TREC 1 to 4 family contract.  Even though nu

Self Directed IRA’s For Real Estate – What Are the Rules in Dallas-Fort Worth?


 self direct ira
A self-directed IRA can be a great investment vehicle, even for real estate! Before you buy your next Dallas-Fort Worth investment property, read this article first!

Most of the questions surround buying investment properties in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Which we, of course, know a lot about. The biggest question about buying an investment property or rental property is how will you pay for it and can you use your IRA to buy local investment properties?

Self-Directed IRAs for Real Estate – Can You Use Them to Buy Dallas-Fort Worth Rental Properties?

First off, IRA refers to an individual retirement account. Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts that people can utilize to save and invest for the future.

IRAs traditionally hold investments like stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc., mainly because that’s the mainstream way most people save for retirement.

However, after reading this article, you will see that real estate can be a fantastic way to increase your wealth. So, how can you use your IRA to increase your retirement account funds w

Components of a Good Business Card



A business card is not a memoir or biography of you. No one cares how great you are, how long you’ve been in business, your great service, and empty promises, no one believes anyway.

For any of your advertising to be successful, it must answer one very important question in the mind of the reader…


What is in it for me?

In other words, who cares?

If it doesn’t answer this question, your cards are almost worthless. You have a nanosecond to capture the prospect's attention, and if you fail the cards will hit the trash as soon as you leave.

Fancy graphics, your photo, and any words that don’t contribute to answering WIIFM is a waste of space.

There is only one purpose of a card, sign, letter, ad, or most any other media. It’s not to sell anything… It’s to get the phone to ring.

Here are some common mistakes I see at every Quick Start School when I critique cards:

Don’t answer WIIFM: Leaving no reason to call. Many cards are worded so poorly you can’t tell what business they’re in, much less have a reason to call.

Too hard to rea

What's Stopping You From Getting Started?



What’s stopping you from Getting Started may be the question you’ve asked yourself for quite a while now. Because this is a simple topic to address, I'm going to keep this post brief today. It cannot be easy to put into practice at times, but the remedy is straightforward.

Here's the million-dollar question: 

"What can I do to overcome my apprehension and procrastination and get started"?

--Get rid of your excuses and your mile-long to-do list.

This week, I've heard more excuses from people who can't seem to get started in real estate investing than I have in a long time. They must wait until the stars are "perfectly aligned" before they can begin. You know, reasons like these:

  • I don't know where to start
  • I haven't chosen a logo yet.
  • I have to make a decision on whether or not to form a limited liability company (LLC).
  • I need to decide whether to use a yellow or green postcard.
  • I don't have a suitable image to utilize in my marketing materials.
  • I'm undecided on whether to use white or colored envelopes for my mailings.
